Preface to the Special Issue: Shared Physical Custody: Recent Research, Advances, and Applications

Linda Nielsen
Year Published:
United States
In 2014 an international group of 110 social scientists and mental health practitioners agreed that JPC should be the norm for parenting plans for children of all ages, including very young children (Warshak, Citation2014). Shortly thereafter, a group of 32 social scientists, mental health practitioners. judges, lawyers, and law school professors chosen by the Association of Family and Conciliatory Courts agreed that “There is enough research to conclude that children in families where parents have moderate to low conflict and can make cooperative, developmentally informed decisions about the children would clearly benefit from JPC arrangements (Pruett & DiFonzo, Citation2014, p. 162).” Most recently in 2017, the 12 experts who were invited to present keynote talks at the International Conference of Shared Parenting went a step further by largely agreeing that JPC should become a legal presumption with a minimum of 35% of the parenting time allocated to each parent for children to reap the benefits of JPC (Braver & Lamb, Citation2018).
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